What's new with Frogdown

(This page last modified on 2022-04-27 12:49 PM)

4/27/2022 Added a new section on installing Debian 11 on a cheap refurb. Because PC refurbs + SSD are currently cheaper than Raspberry Pis.

4/26/2022 Added hints for installing Frogdown on a Debian Jessie machine.

Added additional "specs" field to %attr tag. Without the tag, %attr {filename}% returns the timestamp and size of the file. The specs attribute can be any of "DTS", where "D" returns only the date, "DT" returns the date and times, and "DTS returns date, time, and file size" Specs defaults to "dts".

Hence "This page last modified on %attr WhatsNew.md|dt%" returns "This page last modified on 2022-04-27 12:49 PM" (Don't need the file size for this use.)

4/24/2022 Introduced a new %save% tag to protect blocks of text that absolutely should not be processed by Frogdown/Markdown. Such as embedded PHP code. Example:


    print "<p>This line was printed by PHP</p>\n";


Here is an example of a page with embedded PHP code: SomePHP.php:

Without the %save% tag, embedded PHP code would be treated by Frogdown/Markdown as any other HTMLish code and would get a lot of added <p>, %code%, etc. tags added to all the PHP code. Now you can use Frogdown with embedded .php code. You will also need to use the new

# If using any php code...
HTMLFileExt = .php

configuration variable in the configuration section of Frogdown pages that have embedded PHP code so that the file that Frogdown writes will have a .php file extension, instead of the normal .html file extension. (Web servers generally won't process any PHP code unless the file extension is .php) See the .md file for SomePHP.php: SomePHP.text.

You can also use %save% tags to sidestep any bugs you find in Frog/Markdown processing. Write what you want in straight HTML and surround it with %save% tags. And report the bug to info@frogymandias.org

4/22/2022 Added support for time zone override. In case the machine that is hosting your site uses a different time zone than you want to display (when using the %attr ... tag, for example.) To use this, create a new TZOFFSET.txt file to your $basein (DocumentRoot) directory that has the amount of time zone correction you need. Example:


will change all timestamps referrenced by %attr type functions. (The 2nd line isn't currently used, but it is intended to be the time zone you are converting to. In the above example, 3 hours will be added to the system's local time(stamps) to make it (them) be EST) If you don't need to change timestamp references, then you don't need to create TXOFFSET.txt. (This depends on if your machine uses your local time, somebody else's local time, or UTC time.)

Also moved this "What's New" page to the Frogdown directory because it is mostly about Frogdown updates. I'll eventually modify the old What's New file so it describes the Frogymandias site as a whole and not just Frogdown.

4/21/2022 Added logic to Markdown.pl so it won't copy files that are identical (source and destination). Previously it would copy files regardless. Which took a lot of time for files (like Frogdown.zip) that are largish and are referenced on multiple pages. If you used GenAll.sh a lot.

Added new %attr filename% tag that works like %attr Frogdown.zip 2022-04-28 02:41 PM 3.3 MB. It displays some of the attributes of a file. (This was easy because most of the logic was created for the 'won't copy files that are identical' code. If the attributes for two files are identical then the files are identical and don't need to be copied.)

Because Frogdown generates pure .html, the attr data is generated when you run Frogdown on a page. The attr data won't update if you later change the file that is being referenced (until you regenerate the .md page.)

Also started a section on using PHP This isn't really applicable to Frogdown right now (because Frogdown doesn't use PHP), but I wanted to get this started because I eventually want to start using PHP for a few things. (4/26/2022 See above 4/24/2022 entry for .php code examples.) As long as we have all installed Apache2 and PHP. (But I'm now adding stuff to Frogdown (%attr % tag) that I was planning on doing with PHP. Oh, well.)

Updated (Windows) GetFrogdown.bat.txt and (Linux) GetFrogdown.sh.txt to also copy Frogdown.zip %attr% into the authoring page, so the new %attr % code will work when you generate Frogdown pages.

4/15/2022 Made changes to documentation and to Markdown.pl and DoAllFrogs.pl (As I was updating documentation I saw the need to make some enhancements to the scripts.) Suggest that you at least download (to ~ or to C:home, depending on what you identify as) and unzip FrogdownScripts.zip

4/14/2022 Removed some print statements from MarkdownWrapper.pl that were for debugging but otherwise cluttered up the screen. And updated documentation.

4/13/2022 Made a lot more changes to the Frogdown pages to make the installation process be easier.

MarkdownWrapper.pl (and TestPerl.pl) now test for the existance of ImageMagick. They didn't before and I discovered a potentially dangerous situation for some systems if convert was called and ImageMagick wasn't installed. ImageMagick's conversion program used to be called convert. But ImageMagick also discovered problems with systems that used convert for other purposes. So current versions of ImageMagick now use magick for their conversion program. We now test for all three cases.

Added new %##% and %\##% tags that will totally delete (in the .html file) anything between them. Because of the problem of trying to comment out blocks of text that already have comments. (Comments don't nest in HTML!) I commented out a lot of text that wasn't needed and/or needed extensive rewriting and found that I needed this tag.

Deprecated making the wordwrapped .text files be wordwrapped. Because modern browsers now wordwrap text (not HTML) files (rather than letting long lines extend off the right side). So if you download any individual .text file, they won't be wordwrapped (in the future--I would need to reprocess all the pages on the site.) There is now a variable in MarkdownWrapper.pl so you can enable/disable word wrapping. For instance, WhatsNew.text isn't wordwrapped anymore.

Added a Substitutions configuration variable. Use like

Substitutions = frog|spring

Would replace all instances of 'frog' with 'spring'. It can be handy for quick temporary modifications.

4/1/2022 Made a lot of changes to Frogdown Specfically, added a lot on how to install Frogdown on a RaspBerry Pi (including how to configure a brand new RaspBerry Pi)

3/27/2022 Added Substitutions as a configuration variable (so you can change any sensitive information that is in your .html file if you use the debug = 1 configuration option. Like your real login name.)

3/25/2022 Got Frogdown working on GoDaddy cPanel. Also updated the Frogdown install instructions with some cPanelish information about configuring for GoDaddy.

Dogfood. It took longer than it should for me to install Frogdown on my GoDaddy server (The GoDaddy cPanel upgrade didn't copy over anything having to do with Frogdown so I had to install Frogdown from scratch.) I maybe need to rethink the Linux install documentation. (The Windows install documentation is fine.)

12/6/2018 Started long overdue revamp to responsive design. i.e., so the same design works on both desktop and mobile, which is still a work in progress. Meaning that the look and feel is a bit rough. But it works on a cell phone now. Now Google's persnickety Is your web page mobile-friendly? page doesn't complain. Copy-and-paste http://www.frogymandias.org/ into the search box.

Yeah! Arm-pump.

And got rid of the old separate .mobile and .tablet versions. Which didn't work that well anyway.

12/5/2018 Did some much needed editing of the home page. To get closer to making the concept be as sharp as the vision.

12/4/2018 Remembered that I forgot to update this page! I have been working in the Color Gamuts section. Mainly in the 3D Color Gamuts section. (Changing obsolete .vrml 3D models (that require an obscure plugin) to be XD3DOM (that should work in any browser with no plugin.))

2/29/2016 Added new page describing how to make a camera scanning adapter with a 3D printer.

Um, Frogdown hasn't gotten any updates because I've been using it right along to add other pages (look at the home page closely) and it works quite well as it is.

3/21/2014 Added support for dirconfig.cfg which is a configuration file that affects the current directory only. Anything defined in this overrides the normal configuration files. Reason: I wanted to override the footers in some directories.

3/17/2014 Happy St. Patricks day. Added new 'flc' and 'fa' tags to imagebox. And added

MakeTheseJPEGs = png|tif|tiff

variable to config files. To solve headaches I discovered when writing new documentation.

Made '_' handling in file names be more robust. (There should not be any problems with using any combination of '_' characters in file names. You have watch out when using '_' characters in normal text though, because Markdown will use the '_' character to as the delimiters for italics. '_' is the 'start-of-italics delimiter and '_' is the end-of-italics delimiter. (MarkdownWrapper.pl calls Markdown in the middle of processing, which is what made handling '_' characters in filenames be so much fun.))

11/15/2013 Blew off the mothballs and added a mailto tag. And added a filter to the links code so that _ underscore characters in URLs won't cause problems. As I said before, this is tricky, but we'll see how the new filter works.

7/9/2013 Changed %table% and \verse% so they support Markdown markup. Found that image file filenames with a leading underscore ('_') character cause problems, so (for now) they will not be processed. (Markdown's handling of underscores is one of its most criticized aspects and I haven't figured out a workaround yet.)

Which reminded me to tweak DoAllFrogs.pl so that it will also reject .md files that start with a '' Because .md files that start with an '' are only for debugging from the command prompt.

Removed sections of this page that are now incorporated in the documentation proper. I added a link to the documentation, and struck out a portion of the omitted text. (And added %s%text to be struck out%/s% tags for strikeout to MarkdownWrapper.pl)

7/8/2013 Worked on error checking some more. You can enter Debug as either the 2nd or 3rd parameter (the 2nd parameter is normally the config file and you need to be able to debug what a config file does.) And reworked error messages so they are hopefully more illuminating.

Added HTML 'name' and 'ID' attributes. With an automated named links generator. See Links to internal names (Currently this does not work on the mobile (i.e., jQuery Mobile) sites.)

Added more options to a lot of what is described on the Intro to Frogdown page. And worked on the Frogdown documentation. The .csst files were modified to support new features so they need to be updated. The old ones aren't compatible.

Redid the _%verse%_ tag to have options.

7/6/2013 Made error checking code be more robust. If you enter Debug as the 2nd parameter (normally is the configuration file), it will display some configuration information and then stop without doing any further processing (which was the function of the deprecated '_MakeMeSmile.md' file.) Will also trap more fatal errors, display the errors and then stop. Instead of the previous behavior of proceding blithely on processing even though there were fatal errors.

7/5/2013 Renamed 'FrogDown' to 'Frogdown' to match Markdown. Linux casedness being what it is, you probably should delete your frog*_html directories and regenerate everything from your .md files. And take a close look at how your .md files are named. Run DoAllFrogs.sh and GenAll.sh in both your authoring and Frogdown (yes, this is renamed also) directories. Camel case is its own reward.

Added user definable _<span>_ tags. Add a section like...

7/2/2013 Added additional font declaration template variables to frog.csst.

_BodyBackgroundColor = #eee
_BodyFontFamily = Calibrixx, Verdanaxx, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif
_BodyFontColor = Black
_HeadingFontFamily = Cambria, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif
_PreBackgroundColor = #fffaf4
_CodeFontFamily = Consolasxx, "Lucida Console", "Courier New", Courier, "Andale Mono", Monaco, Monospace
_CodeFontFamilyx = Georgia, Garamond, Palatino, "Times New Roman", Times, serif
_CodeFontSize = 12px

and corresponding %%CodeFontFamily%% (etc.) variables in the rest of the .csst file. To make it easy to experiment with changing fonts. Pay real close attention to the Table of fonts installed on each operating system If you know of a better such list then please let us know at info@frogymandias.org.

You should also change the style sheet declaration in your .cfg files to use this notation:

    <link REL="StyleSheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="%%_PathToHome%%frog.css" media="all">

so your HTML will always use the .css file that is in your DocumentRoot So you don't have to have a different .csst file for every directory you use.

About _PathToHome

Various internal changes to MarkdownWrapper.pl to hopefully make it more robust. (But I noticed when writing the preceding paragraphs that I still have some issues with escaping the '%' character. Noted.)

Various changes to Frogdown.zip so that it is hopefully less confusing.

7/1/2013 Added non-break space. Preface any space character with a backslash () to make it non-breaking.

Added new _%verse%_ block tag. That acts like HTML <pre>, except that it doesn't change...

Added support for inline links, inline images, and tables. Will eventually add them to the documentation proper.

6/27/2013 Added _DoAllFrogs.pl_ script that generates a GenAll.bat batch (Windows) or GenAll.sh shell (Linux) script that will run MarkdownWrapper.pl on all .md files in the directory.

Added a new template for tablets. Right now it is nothing earthshaking. I just copied the mobile configuration file and changed MaxImageWidth = 300 to MaxImageWidth = 700 so the images will be generated larger. http://tablet.frogymandias.org But it is a start. If you use DoAllFrogs.pl, then invoke it like

DoAllFrogs.pl frog frog-mobile frog-tablet

to get a GenAll script that will generate all the HTML files. (Don't forget that you need to manually copy the themes directory for the new frog_tablet directory so that Mobile jQuery will work right. Still need to fix this so Markdownwrapper.pl can copy more than single files.

(Link to original 6/27/2013 What's New page.)

Comments? Write to info@frogymandias.org