This page last modified on 2022-06-15 09:23 AM
6/15/2022 Something changed in Windows that broke a lot of Perl on Windows. The current fix is add this environment variable:
set PERL5SHELL=c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /c
The doubled backslashes are needed
Frogdown is a markup language that is a superset of Markdown. The entire Frogymandias site was written in FrogDown. A markup language is an alternative to a full blown CMS, such as WordPress. The advantage of creating a site in a markup language is that the site can be nothing but straight HTML, which eliminates most security concerns. No web interface means a very tiny attack vector.
I develop Frogymandias on a Windows machine so I can refine and debug the easy way with multiple windows. When I'm ready to publish I copy the source files to the Linux server that hosts Frogymandias and run the appropriate script to generate the HTML (and images) on the Linux server. I find that this is a very productive way to generate a web site. Writing in Frogdown is easier than writing in HTML directly, because modern HTML is very verbose and isn't really suited for direct composition. Frogdown brings back the simplicity of writing in old school HTML (before HTML got all fancy.)
Here is an example of some of the Frogdown code for some of the first paragraph of this page:
###Create Web sites with Frogdown markup language
%b%Frogdown%/b% is a markup language that is a superset of %l Markdown| The entire Frogymandias site was written in FrogDown. A markup language is an alternative to a full blown CMS, such as WordPress.
I get a lot of mileage from seeing working examples of something that is close to what I want and then adapting it to exactly what I want. index.text is the source code for this page. (The same pattern works for almost all of the other pages.) Find a page on this site that contains examples of what you want to format and look at the .text file to see how it is formatted in Frogdown.