What's new with Frogdown

6/2/2022 Added new section for ESP8266 Color Weather Station. Which isn't finished yet. Watch this space!

7/6/2013 Made error checking code be more robust. If you enter Debug as the 2nd parameter (normally is the configuration file), it will display some configuration information and then stop without doing any further processing (which was the function of the deprecated '_MakeMeSmile.md' file.) Will also trap more fatal errors, display the errors and then stop. Instead of the previous behavior of proceding blithely on processing even though there were fatal errors.

7/5/2013 Renamed 'FrogDown' to 'Frogdown' to match Markdown. Linux casedness being what it is, you probably should delete your frog*_html directories and regenerate everything from your .md files. And take a close look at how your .md files are named. Run DoAllFrogs.sh and GenAll.sh in both your authoring and Frogdown (yes, this is renamed also) directories. Camel case is its own reward.

Added user definable _<span>_ tags. Add a section like...

7/2/2013 Added additional font declaration template variables to frog.csst.

_BodyBackgroundColor = #eee
_BodyFontFamily = Calibrixx, Verdanaxx, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif
_BodyFontColor = Black
_HeadingFontFamily = Cambria, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif
_PreBackgroundColor = #fffaf4
_CodeFontFamily = Consolasxx, "Lucida Console", "Courier New", Courier, "Andale Mono", Monaco, Monospace
_CodeFontFamilyx = Georgia, Garamond, Palatino, "Times New Roman", Times, serif
_CodeFontSize = 12px

and corresponding %%CodeFontFamily%% (etc.) variables in the rest of the .csst file. To make it easy to experiment with changing fonts. Pay real close attention to the Table of fonts installed on each operating system If you know of a better such list then please let us know at info@frogymandias.org.

You should also change the style sheet declaration in your .cfg files to use this notation:

    <link REL="StyleSheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="%%_PathToHome%%frog.css" media="all">

so your HTML will always use the .css file that is in your DocumentRoot So you don't have to have a different .csst file for every directory you use.

About _PathToHome

Various internal changes to MarkdownWrapper.pl to hopefully make it more robust. (But I noticed when writing the preceding paragraphs that I still have some issues with escaping the '%' character. Noted.)

Various changes to Frogdown.zip so that it is hopefully less confusing.

7/1/2013 Added non-break space. Preface any space character with a backslash () to make it non-breaking...

Added new _%verse%_ block tag. That acts like HTML <pre>, except that it doesn't change...

Added support for inline links, inline images, and tables. Will eventually add them to the documentation proper.

6/27/2013 Added _DoAllFrogs.pl_ script that generates a GenAll.bat batch (Windows) or GenAll.sh shell (Linux) script that will run MarkdownWrapper.pl on all .md files in the directory.

Added a new template for tablets. Right now it is nothing earthshaking. I just copied the mobile configuration file and changed MaxImageWidth = 300 to MaxImageWidth = 700 so the images will be generated larger. http://tablet.frogymandias.org But it is a start. If you use DoAllFrogs.pl, then invoke it like

DoAllFrogs.pl frog frog-mobile frog-tablet

to get a GenAll script that will generate all the HTML files. (Don't forget that you need to manually copy the themes directory for the new frog_tablet directory so that Mobile jQuery will work right. Still need to fix this so Markdownwrapper.pl can copy more than single files.

(Link to original 6/27/2013 What's New page.)

Comments? Write to info@frogymandias.org